Sunday, 22 May 2011


This lovely building was designed by one of the most famous architects in the world,  Frank.O.Ghery - Ghery Partners.

Located in Paris, on 51 Rue de Bercy the building is facing the front elevation to  Park De Bercy, which is still admired by

architects, urban designers and landscapers.



The edifice is called by it's designer  " The dancer raising her tutu".
Now is a centre of a cinematography and a very popular place of visit of parisiens.



When you see it for the first time , it strikes you that you can easily tell who created it .



Very common for Frank Ghery use of concrete masses to build the structure with a lot of bends and curvatures.The architects idea is usually to make a building look like in the move, often likes to refer to dance,  plays with his strcuture like if it was a "Lego" toy building bricks.



He also uses very different types of metal cladding , but not in this case where everything was kept clear and pure, like poored concrete.



The architect is often called de- constructivist for his very bold and unstopable use of almost impossible to build structures and for creating a dramatic, very expressive, emotional and breath taking atmospere, and suspension in time.



Frank Ghery was also a father of serpentine's gallery exhibition pavilion in London in  2008.,+la+cinematheque+francaise+building&aq=&sll=48.837478,2.382987&sspn=0.002334,0.004801&ie=UTF8&hq=parc+de+bercy,+la+cinematheque+francaise+building&hnear=Paris,+Ile-de-France,+France&t=h&ll=48.837003,2.382571&spn=0.000618,0.00114&z=19&output=embed
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