Monday, 5 September 2011


Very intriguing landmark of London , located on south bank of River Thames.

The building designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott, is an ex coal- fired power station incorporating two separate power stations in one bulk.

The power station is placed in Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest in England - it is also one of the biggest buildings made of brick in europe - unfortunately we were not able to visit the interior and can only rely on peoples opinion but they say it has a very extravagant art deco design.

That very picturesque building appeared  as a background in few art projects,used  by The  Beatles and Pink Floyd band.


  1. It's a pretty magnificent structure!

  2. These pix make me feel very nostalgic for the thirty years or so I spent working in London!

  3. Hi Gringo: I do feel much the same way - although I have been here only for few years - and still have to explore someny places out there in London- just incredible.

    Ka Holly
    I agree - it is so old but still so amzing as for an industrial structure.
